Friday, October 12, 2012

PurFUNple Interactive e-Book is in Production

Johnny & Cindi prep Pigston for his photo session
I'm happy to share with you that The Land of PurFUNple interactive e-Book is officially in production.  Cindi and Ray have spent countless hours building a detailed shot list for more than 130 images for the primary scenes in the story.  Over the last two days, Cindi, Ray and Johnny have been shooting both still images and video (see photo) of the 3D clay models that Cindi meticulously created. 

Pigston image used on Welcome Page
With these images completed, the storyline and images can be merged into the e-Book software. Ray used one of the images shot in the photo session shown above and placed it into an Welcome page, showing one of the ways these images will be used. The e-Book will be interactive which means story will come to life using sound effects, limited animation and options for the child to either read the story or listen to a pre-recorded narration.  Optionally, a parent or grandparent can record their voice reading the story, so the child can hear a loved one reading to them. 

Our hope is to have the e-Book completed and ready for distribution through i-tunes and Amazon by the end of this year.  We are excited about the possibility of introducing the Land of PurFUNple to thousand of young people.  Of course, we will promote the e-Book using press releases, Youtube videos and learning platforms for teachers and home schooling parents to increase interest.