Monday, August 13, 2012

Purple Predicament E-Book Is Being Development

As we reported earlier, Cindi has been hard at work creating 3D clay models of all the characters in our story titled, Pigston & Penelope's Purple Predicament.   Last count she is up to 38 models. The photo on the left shows a few of the 38.  As a part of our effort to bring attention to the Land of PurFUNple and the characters that live there, the Click Bug team is developing an electronic (e) book version of the story for distribution prior to the launch of the virtual world.   Cindi, Ray and Johnny along with our talented voice talent, JD, are working hard to create a fun, interactive version of the story including animation, voice characterization and sound effects for kids and their parents to enjoy.   Our hope is to have the E-book completed before the Christmas season so it can be given as a holiday gift.