Friday, April 6, 2012

New Home Page Artwork Feature PurFUNple Characters

Work is moving along nicely on the Alpha phase of the Land of PurFUNple. One of the first projects we have tackled is the creation of new home screens that will greet kids when they sign in to the site.  

Each screen features key characters in the kingdom and will rotate every five seconds so each player will see all five screens and, hopefully, be attracted and select one character screen as their favorite. Just in case you aren't familiar with all of the characters, I'll give you a run down starting with the top image and moving down.
Pigston, the Purple Prince, greets players at the entrance to the kingdom.

Our new and improved heroine,Penelope, makes you feel welcome as you enter the garden.

Slade and Gnat hang out in the swamp.

Patches the Pack Rat recycles in his tunnel below the kingdom.

The mischievous Possums go for a joy ride on Pigston's boat.

Players will be given the option to select their favorite screen and each time they log in subsequently that screen will be shown each time they log into the site.